
at First Christian

Good Friday Service

On Friday, April 18, at 7:00 pm, we will be holding a Good Friday Service. You're invited to join us and to reflect on the crucifixion and burial of Jesus. These moments are heavy, but bring incredible power to our Easter weekend.

Looking for a place to celebrate Easter?

This last season has been full of ups and downs. We don't know what life has looked like for you, but there is hope. Hope for stability. Hope for your family. Hope for healing. Hope for feeling like you can breathe again.

Easter Weekend is a perfect opportunity to visit a church. Simply step into the building and we will make sure everything is taken care of for you!

Our services include upbeat music, a relevant message from the Bible, and an opportunity to remember Jesus during a time of communion.


Make sure to stop by Guest Central after the service. 

We would love to meet you, give you a gift, and help you take your next step.

Easter Service Times!

On Campus: 

Saturday, April 19

4:30 pm 

(early childhood programming available through 3 years old)

Sunday, April 20

8:00 (traditional music), 9:15 am and 10:45 am

(Full kids programming available through 5th grade during the 9:15 and 10:45 services)


9:15 am

Your kids are welcome to join us as well. We have kids programming during two of our services, so your little ones will be able to celebrate Easter in a way that's exciting and age-appropriate to them!

Our Campus