Antonio Stradivari, the world-famous Italian violin maker, surprisingly never recorded the exact plans for how to make one of his instruments. He created renowned instruments, but never wrote down the instructions
Some think this was a deliberate decision to keep his design from being copied by others. However, most believe that it was because Stradivari, who was half-illiterate himself, had the skill to create a violin with his own hands, but didn’t have the ability to record in writing their exact dimensions, weight, and balance. How did he pass down his knowledge?
He used apprentices who sat by his side as he worked. He painstakingly taught and trained them to develop their skills and craft. He was so intentional that he created something that was truly priceless.
He gave them something of incredible value through the time he spent with them.
When Jesus lived here on earth so many years ago, he took a band of unlikely protégés to his elbow and humbly, but relentlessly transferred his heart to theirs! He taught them how to be people of compassion, mercy, courage and justice.
It wasn’t the group that everyone thought he should have chosen. He selected a handful of people who were forgotten, shunned, and overlooked. The people he walked alongside weren’t the elite, the influential, or those who seemed to have their lives put together. So, Jesus goes... “You don’t understand why I came, do you? I’m here to bring even the most despised in society into the party of heaven!”
Do you know what it is that makes Jesus so different?
He believes that HOPE is for EVERYONE.
Jesus entered into the world of ordinary people and met them on their turf. He attended their parties, ate their food, drank their drink, and in doing so found common ground with all. He was intentional with those who followed him to highlight how love and compassion can bring hope into even the darkest moments.
Many of us think... “If I’m going to draw close to God, first I’ve got to clean the dirtiness out of my life. I need to tidy up some things about my past. I’ve got to stop this habit, quit an addiction, or fix that relationship.”
It’s ok to not be ok...because Jesus wants to take the mess of our lives and do the unimaginable through us!
We believe Jesus offers hope. And we’re committed to sharing that hope with everyone we can.